Saturday, December 3, 2016

Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready.......

Monday - Wednesday, November 21 - 23, 2016

We arrive at Carrabelle, Florida at C-Quarters Marina--it is THE place to start a trip across the Gulf of Mexico. Most all the marinas now have pilings that you have to tie the boat at all 4 corners with enough slack for the changing tides. I need more practice for sure!!

We ask about a restaurant, but there are none open in Carrabelle on Mondays. We are in luck, the Marina has a pot luck dinner for anyone who shows up. Good food and other boaters show up so there are about 20+ people. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Fisherman's wife restaurant is open and the seafood is delicious especially the oysters! We join a group of loopers to talk about the crossing.

Carrabelle claims they have the smallest police station in the world. Right on the main street, easy to find!

We make several trips to the local IGA grocery store. They have a very prominent display of Barefoot wines and bubbly. Have to get some just in case we need to celebrate crossing the Gulf!!

Finally it looks like the weather and wind will be good for crossing the Gulf of Mexico on Thanksgiving. No cooking turkey, I have the feeling we are the turkeys!

1 comment:

  1. Quite unique and cool information for me because i need to reserve any place for my family and finally got an idea from your blog thanks.
